December 2022
The newsletter for December 2022 is out now.
View it in your browser here, including images and more info.
This December we’re offering you the opportunity to enrich your collection with new artworks. E-mail us and we will shorty get back to you with a list of works under 1000 euro! The selection includes works by the gallery represented Luchezar Boyadjiev, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Rudi Ninov, Stefan Nikolaev and Valio Tchenkov, as well as available pieces by Aaron Roth, Tekla Aleksieva, Maria Nalbantova, Vladimir Ivanov, Sophia Grancharova and Marta Djourina.
Luchezar Boyadjiev
Accents from the Art World 2022
Public Discussion
December 7, 18:00
Maria Vassileva, Vera Mlechevska, Aksiniya Peycheva, Krassimir Terziev
Moderated by Luchezar Boyadjiev
Goethe Institut Bulgarien, Sofia
Stefan Nikolaev
Archi e Lumi
Group show
December 3 2022 – February 3 2023
Filip Markiewicz, Frederique Nalbandian, Stefan Nikolaev, Francoise Petrovitch, Mathieu Rainaud, Emmanuel Regent, Lionel Sabatte, Jeanne Susuplugas
Stella Rouskova Gallery, Genova
Luchezar Boyadjiev, Pravdoliub Ivanov and Driton Selmani
curated by Vesselina Sarieva
24 November 2022 – 24 December 2022
LambdaLambdaLambda, Pristina, Kosovo
“SIT” is an exhibition realized by the invitation of LambdaLambdaLambda, Pristina, which develops the concept of the curator Vesselina Sarieva about “The Carpet” as a meeting place in every art institution. The exhibition presents works of Bulgarian artists Pravdoliub Ivanov and Luchezar Boyadjiev in dialogue with the Kosovan artist Driton Selmani, panel discussion with the participants (on-the-carpet-talk) and documentation.
Valio Tchenkov
Solo exhibition
11 November 2022 – 30 December 2022
Sarieva / Gallery, Plovdiv
The show features a selection of the newest artworks by the Bulgarian Munich—based painter Valio Tchenkov, along with works from the 2017 – 2021 period, combined under the exhibition title “Soma”.
Request more information and the price list.
The Famous Collector Frédéric de Goldschmidt holds a lecture in Bulgaria
Socialna Mreja, NOVA / In Bulgarian
This man teaches us how to collect art
In Bulgarian
Collectors’ Forum presents Frédéric de Goldschmidt – one of the biggest European contemporary collectors
Kultura!BG, BNT / In Bulgarian
Soma by Valio Tchenkov at Sarieva / Gallery
Art Stream, BNT / In Bulgarian
In this issue of STORIES we speak with Valio Tchenkov about his exhibition “Soma” at Sarieva / Gallery – what inspires and worries him in the current state of the world.
Christo for Beginners Documentation
On November 18th, at Alma Alter, Sofia, was held the last event from the Christo for Beginners project by Luchezar Boyadjiev and Sarieva Open Arts. We’re pleased to present a short movie, which captures the essence of the project and all of it’s activities through the past few months.