3 September 2024

Iconic Monumental Works by Pravdoliub Ivanov Now Part of DOT Sofia Art Collection

Pravdoliub Ivanov's unique and thought-provoking works, FORM-FROM-FORM (2011-2012) and Monument to the Unknown Washerwoman (2005) have found a new home in the art collection at DOT Sofia, situated at the Women's Market in the heart of Sofia's historic center. The works can be seen by the visitor and passers-by.

FORM-FROM-FORM is a kinetic installation on the top of the DOT roof, featuring a double-sided illuminated box that rotates on a metal pole, resembling commercial logos often seen in front of large retail or petrol chains. The box displays the words "FORM" on one side and "FROM"  on the other, creating an endless loop of the phrase "FORM FROM FORM." This work explores transformation as a continuous process, juxtaposing the static nature of "form" with the kinetic movement. The asymmetrical geometry of the box further enhances its conceptual depth by adding a deceptive perspective. Pravdoliub Ivanov presented the work for the first time at the Vth Sculpture Quadrennial Riga (Latvia).

Monument to the Unknown Washerwoman (2005) is a towering installation of washbasins and buckets. Initially presented in Luxembourg, the work marked the spot where generations of local women washed laundry by the river with a 10 m column of multicolored basins stacked vertically. 

In this piece, Ivanov subtly references Arman's ideas about accumulating identical objects to critique consumer society while highlighting the social dimension directly connected to the location name - "Women's Market." Walking through Zhenski Pazar, you can see the same colorful plastic dishes by which Pravdoliub created his 10 m high work. However, an essential site-specific part of the puzzling plastic column in DOT Sofia lay hidden in the location's past. The street where the market is now was a river in the past. Pravdoliub first presented the work in 2005 at Casino Luxembourg and later featured in 2017 at Art Encounters in Timișoara, Romania.

Ivanov's talent for engaging with public spaces is evident in both installations, fostering an open dialogue with the public at the Women's Market, where DOT Sofia's location is.

The DOT Sofia Art Collection, curated by Vesselina Sarieva, is a testament to the vibrancy of contemporary Bulgarian art. The collection, formally established in 2019, has since grown to include over 200 works by prominent and emerging Bulgarian artists, representing key movements from the late 1980s to the present. As of September 2023, the collection features works by artists such as Nedko Solakov, Stefan Nikolaev, Kamen Stoyanov, Zara Alexandrova, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Maria Nalbantova, Rudi Ninov, Svetlana Mircheva, Dessilava Terzieva and many others.

Pravdoliub Ivanov is represented by Vesselina and Katrin Sarievi from 2011.

Photos: courtesy of Sarieva/Gallery and the artist's archive. 

DOT Sofia is located at ul. Bratya Miladinovi, 46, Sofia www.dotsofia.com