Kamen Stoyanov at Exhibiting the Exhibition
In the spring of 2018, Sariev Contemporary's artist Kamen Stoyanov will participate in the group show "Exhibiting the Exhibition: From the Cabinett of Curiosities to the Curatorial Situation" at Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden Baden.
2 March - 17 June 2018
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden Baden
Nevin Aladağ, John Bock, Mariana Castillo Deball, Tacita Dean, Christian Eisenberger, Andrea Fraser, Lasse Schmidt Hansen, Friedemann Heckel, Jeppe Hein, Julian Irlinger, Fabian Knecht, Louise Lawler, Allan McCollum, Maria Miottke Simon Dybbroe Møller, Ivan Moudov, Philipp Modersohn, Walid Raad, Karin Sander, Evamaria Schaller, Kamen Stoyanov, Sebastian Thewes, Lukas Töpfer, Claudia de la Torre, Kaari Upson, Pae White, Fred Wilson
Curated by Hendrik Bündge
The show will focus on the art of the exhibition itself, exploring what it actually means to exhibit something, and how this can be shown. "Exhibiting the Exhibition" takes a look into the past, at the present, and also gives a glimpse of the future of the exhibition. Precursors of modern museums mark the starting point of the exhibition and it ends with the curatorial situations we're currently witnessing. The show brings together several hundred works, which show, for example, how objects used to be presented in early cabinets of curiosities, which forms of display emerged in the 20th century, and how art is presented today.
For more info visit www.kunsthalle-baden-baden.de