October 2022
The newsletter for October 2022 is out now.
View it in your browser here, including images and more info.
Stefan Nikolaev
L’ami·e modèle
Group Show
October 15 – December 12 2022
Antide, Boris Achour, Saâdane Afif, Wilfrid Almendra, Virginie Barré, Martin Belou, Pierre Beloüin, Julien Beneyton, Olivier Blanckart, Lara Bloy, Rebecca Bournigault, Jean-Baptiste Boyer, Guillaume Bresson, Alain Bublex, Julien Carreyn, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac and others
Mucem, Marseille, France
Luchezar Boyadjiev
Animal Among Animals. Towards the world to come.
Group Show
October 8 – November 27, 2022
Camilla Alberti, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Manuela Braunmüller, Emma Ciceri, Sarah Ciracì, Regina Josè Galindo, Igor Grubić, Yolande Harris, Patrick Lopez Jaimes, Elena Mazzi, Natalia Molebatsi, Liliana Moro, Adrian Paci, Isabella Pers, Tiziana Pers, Caterina Shanta, Marie Voignier and others
Curators: Gabi Scardi and Lorenzo Michelli
Luigi Spazzapan Regional Gallery of Contemporary Art in Gradisca d’Isonzo, Italy
Nedko Solakov
Group Show
October 8, 2022 – April 2, 2023
Emily Bates, Beaurin Domercq, Katinka Bock, Miguel Branco, Giulia Cenci, Pascal Convert, Helmut Federle, Roland Fischer, Nan Goldin, Germaine Hoffmann, Dom Sylvester Houédard, Alicja Kwade, Lee Bul, Mark Lewis, Edward Lipski, Lutz & Guggisberg, Andrea Mastrovito, Rui Moreira, Silke Otto-Knapp, Yazid Oulab, Michel Paysant, Nedko Solakov, Kathia St. Hilaire, Janaina Tschäpe and others
Curator: Marie-Noëlle Farcy
Musée d’Art Moderne
Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg
Nedko Solakov
Stories on Paper
Solo Show
October 8, 2022 – April 2, 2023
Georg Kargl Box, Vienna
Sarieva – Residency
Melania Toma
exhibition in progress
>4 October – 29 October 2022 – exhibition in progress
>5 October, 18:00-20:00 – open studio
>28 October, 17:00 – presentation of the exhibition by the artist and screening of a film about the residency
Sarieva/Gallery, Plovdiv
Sarieva – Residency is a program which presents artist with the opportunity to work in a new comfortable environment, to create and present works and projects, to collaborate with experts in the field. The residency combines artistic, research and educational activities in an innovative way. The artist works in an established art institution and in the creative environment of an always developing art city like Plovdiv. Melania Toma (b. 1996) grew up in Italy and is currently living and working in London. She is the third resident of Sarieva – Residency.
Christo for Beginners
Presentation and moderated conversation with the artist and experts
October 27th, 2022
public space in front of Sarieva / Gallery, Plovdiv, 18:30
Maria Nalbantova, Post-Tools #3, 2021
wrenches, cutting discs, 121 x 104 cm
I often work with found objects, images, materials and tools that become building blocks according to context in telling a particular story. One such example is the construction trolley turned seascape rebuilt, which is part of the Multiple Use series, 2019. I made it as a reaction to the overdevelopment of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, where numerous hotels, retaining walls and abandoned concrete complexes line our seaside, forming an often anti-utopian landscape for rest and relaxation.
— Maria Nalbantova
Jeanne-Claude for Beginners: Power girls
Dnes, Petya Slavova / In Bulgarian
Plovdiv – Art in public space
Interview with Luchezar Boyadjiev
BNR / In Bulgarian
Power girls help us understand Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Ploshtad Slaveykov / In Bulgarian
Vesselina Sarieva’s episode of Pristina is Everywhere
Vesselina Sarieva joins Manifesta’s podcast – Pristina is Everywhere. In the third episode of the series she presents her concept about “The Carpet” as a meeting place in the art institution. She and her guest speaker Luchezar Boyadjiev encourage the audience and artists to contact them or use #TheCarpetMeetingPlace if they have any artistic ideas involving the carpet.