10 September 2022
Vesselina Sarieva & Pravdoliub Ivanov as lecturers for Tuk Tam Kosher
Vesselina Sarieva and Pravdoliub Ivanov will be lecturers at Tuk-Tam Kosher 2022
16.09.2022, 14:30-15:30
Buzz Hive Zone
Inter Expo Center and Online
Vesselina Sarieva and Pravdoliub Ivanov will be a part of this year’s Tuk-Tam Kosher event! Their lecture What and Where is the Place of Art Today will be held on September 16th, at 14:30 in the Buzz Hive Zone. Kosher will present success stories of Bulgarians from all over the world, bold innovations, resourceful inventors and businesses in one place.