Dimitar Shopov

Outlet 3d DOGS, 2019

440 х 307 х 45 cm /vitrine,
consisting of:
1 . Inscriptions with folio: 3d DOGS, outlet, branded clothes, total sale / T shirts / towels / paintings; super scene, 2. 10 T-shirts, rebranded and painted with the faces of the characters + 1 top, 3. A pair of men's swimsuits with 10 leva from before 1989 in the pocket of the swimsuit, 4. 10 towels 100 x 70 cm, with painted pictures from the chewing gums 3d DOGS made with gummy painting, 5. 4 rebranded hats with a visor and two caps + one policeman’s hat, 6. Two branded balls one football and one rubber, 7. Branded gallows, 8. Two pairs of flip flops, 9. One pair of Bulgarian moccasins, 10. One full size mannequin, 8 mannequins torso, one pair of feet, two hangers, two crates /coke and mineral water/, twine, clamps, 11. Two pairs of rebranded bermudas , 12. Fringes on the door, 13. Video, 14. Text, 15. Two luminescent lamps