Highlights 2015 аnd Sneak Peek 2016
It has been an exciting year for us from SARIEV Contemporary and an even more exciting one is ahead of us! See some of our highlights from 2015 as well as a small 2016 sneak peek.
We started the year with Voin de Voin's show ἀ-μετά-καλύπτω at our project space. From April to June at our main gallery space we had the great honor to host the first solo show in Bulgaria by Czech artist Jiří Kovanda. The show entitled 'Nothing in the Middle' was curated by Edith Jerabkova. It was followed by our second solo show by Stefan Nikolaev - 'Business, Model, Sculpture' curated by Emile Ouroumov. On 11 September during the festival Night/Plovdiv we opened the AMERICANAESOTERICA show curated by Aaron Moulton. The exhibition included works by artists Mike Bouchet, Sterling Ruby, Max Hooper Schneider, Jason Metcalf and Jennifer West. We closed the season with the show 'Aftermade' by Turkish artist Şakir Gökçebağ. The show is currently on view at SARIEV Contemporary until 15 January.
In 2015 SARIEV Contemporary had its debut at ArtBrussels. There we presented artists Pravdoliub Ivanov, Nedko Solakov and Valio Tchenkov. We also participated in the Cinema program with a video work by Nedko Solakov. At ArtInternational, Istanbul in September we showed works by Rada Boukova, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Stefan Nikolaev and Nedko Solakov. Rada Boukova and Stefan Nikolaev were selected for the By the Waterside sculpture program of the fair. At viennacontemporary SARIEV Contemporary organised Focus Bulgaria and participated in the video program of the fair with a video work by Nedko Solakov.
In 2015 Bulgaria was a focus country at viennacontemporary which was the first large-scale presentation of Bulgarian contemporary art at an international fair. The project Focus Bulgaria was organised by SARIEV Contemporary and the Open Arts Foundation. It included a curated exhibition, a talk and performance program, an open call for video presentations, a library with books and catalogs and a special publication. You can find more information about the project here.
In 2015 SARIEV Contemporary launched the project 'Wokring Visits for International Curators and Art Critics'. We invite curators and art critics to visit Bulgaria to get to know the Bulgarian contemporary art scene. In 2015 we invited Edith Jerabkova (Czech Republic), Judicael Lavrador (France), Chris Sharp (Mexico) and René Block (Germany). During their visits René Block, Chris Sharp and Edith Jerabkova had public lectures in the framework of the education platform 'An Introduction to Contemporary Art' of SARIEV Contemporary and Open Arts Foundation.
'Introduction to Contemporary Art' is an educational platform started in 2011 by the Open Arts Foundation and SARIEV Contemporary. It aims to create a context and understanding of contemporary art in Bulgaria. An educational course in the framework of the platform took place in Plovdiv for the first time in April and May 2015. Lecturer was Vessela Nozharova. In November-December 'An Introduction to Contemporary Art' had its fifth edition in Sofia dedicated to role of curators in contemporary art. 'Curators' Talks'included lecutres by Chris Sharp, Maria Vassileva, René Block and Edith Jerabkova. For more information visit the Open Arts Foundation's website. You can find video documentation from all lectures here.
Published by SARIEV Contemporary on the occasion of the current exhibition AMERICANAESOTERICA
Published by SARIEV Contemporary on the occasion of Focus Bulgaria at viennacontemporary 2015
Vienna Looks East for Fine Art
International New York Times, 13 October, 2015
Author: Palko Karasz
Full article
The Anvil Hits Back: Sariev Contemporary in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Blunderbuss Magazine, 10 December, 2015
Author: Amelia Rina
Full article
Die Kassen sind jetzt geöffnet (The cashboxes are not open)
taz. Die Tageszeitung, 17 September, 2015
Author: Annegret Erhard
Full article (in German)
Full article (in Bulgarian)
L'Art Bulgare Fait Peau Neuve
Beaux Arts, July 2015
L'Art Bulgare fait peau neuve
Author: Judicael Lavrador
Full article
Bloomberg on Nedko Solakov's commissioned work for the ECB
These Irreverent Doodles Are Designed to Enlighten Mario Draghi Every Day
Bloomberg, 4 November, 2015
Author: Alessandro Speciale
Full article
“To have “style”, for me, means to stop surprising people” – an interview with Pravdoliub Ivanov
Art Dependence Magazine, 5 June, 2015
Author: Anna Savitskaya
Full article
An interview with Stefan Nikolaev in Forbes Bulgaria
Forbes Bulgaria, July 2015
Interview with Stefan Nikolaev
Author: Vesselina Dimitrov
Full article
Interview // Performance and Play with Voin de Voin
Berlin Art Link, 13 March, 2015
Author: Alena Sokhan
Full article
Rada Boukova and Pravdoliub's Ivanov artworks at ArtInternational 2015 in Marcus Graf's Top 5
Marcus Graf’ın Artinternational 2015’ten Art50.net için seçtikleri
Artlog 50, 4 September, 2015
Full article
Stefania Batoeva in Dazed's selection
Artists we’re watching out for in 2015
Dazed, January 2015
Author: Susanna Davies-Crook
Full article
In 2016 SARIEV Contemporary will present solo shows by our artists Pravdoliub Ivanov, Nedko Solakov and Lubri. Furthermore, we have exciting new projects which we will announce very soon. Stay tuned and follow our activities on our website and in the social media.
We are continuing with our educational platform 'An Introduction to Contemporary art'. In 2016 we will have various events both in Sofia and Plovdiv and will develop the platform through new formats.
SARIEV Contemporary has the pleasure to announce its first participations in the art fairs ArtRotterdam(11-14 February) and ArtCologne (14-17 April). In 2016 we will again participate in ArtBrussel (22-24 April).