Newsletter July 2018
Sariev Contemporary's newsletter for July is out now.
View it in your browser here, including images and more info.
Luchezar Boyadjiev, Kamen Stoyanov and Voin de Voin
Operaismo Naturale: Ecology of the Event
Chapter 1 of Digital Ecologies
group exhibition
Curated by Dimitrina Sevova, co-curated by Katharina Swoboda and Emil Mirazchiev
With works and interventions by Donatella Bernardi, Ursula Biemann, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Voin de Voin, Jonas Etter, David Jacques, Monica Ursina Jäger, knowbotiq, Dominique Koch, Marlene Maier, Boyan Manchev, Angela Melitopoulos, Uriel Orlow, Ursula Palla, Elena Peytchinskova, Elodie Pong, Isabel Reiß, Oliver Ressler, Dorothea Rust, Kerstin Schroedinger, Bohdan Stehlik, Sandro Steudler, Axelle Stiefel, Kamen Stoyanov, Milva Stutz, Una Szeemann, Lena Maria Thüring, and Alexander Tuchaček
27 July - 5 September 2018
Opening: 27 July (detailed program forthcoming)
former tobacco warehouse SKLAD
16 Ekzarh Yosif str.
4000 Plovdiv
The Ancient Bath - Center of Contemporary Art
179 6th September str.
4000 Plovdiv
Ladies Only by Lubri
Published on the occasion of Ladies Only, solo show by Lubri at Sariev Contemporary,
curated by Vassil Iliev. 8 June - 27 July 2018
Concept and design: Vassil Iliev
Text: Vassil Iliev
Photos: Lubri
Language: English
50 pages, color
Price: 35 leva
Published by Ungrateful Bastards and Sariev Contemporary
With the support of Gaudenz B. Ruf Award
Book "Introduction to Bulgarian Contemporary Art (1982 - 2015)"
Based on a cycle of lectures delivered in Plovdiv and Sofia by its author Vessela Nozharova, within the frames of the Introduction to Contemporary Art educational platform of Open Arts Foundation and Sariev Contemporary Gallery
Janet 45 Publishing, 2018
Open Arts Foundation, co-publisher, 2018
Vessela Nozharova, author, 2018
Kiril Zlatkov, design, 2018
Poststudio, cover gesign, 2018
On the Cover: “Memory Is a Muscle” by Pravdoliub Ivanov (2007, detail)
Preprint: Kalina Dimitrova
Proofreading of the Bulgarian version: Sofia Nestorova, Lora Sultanova
Translation to English: Ekaterina Petrova, Boris Deliradev
Proofreading of the English version: Sophia Kleinsasser
This book is part of the Introduction to Contemporary Art platform of the Open Arts Foundation, Plovdiv
Partners: Sariev Contemporary, Plovdiv
The English language version of the book is supported by Gaudenz B. Ruf Award
paperback, 300 pages, 165 x 240 cm
Paper edition(Bulgarian): 35.00 leva
Online edition (Bulgarian): 33.25 leva
Order the Bulgarian version online here http://books.janet45.com/books/1348
Paper edition (English): 35.00 euro
Online edition (English): 33.00 euro
Order the English version online here http://books.janet45.com/books/1349
more about the book here
The exhibition "Ladies Only" by Lubri at Sariev Gallery
Curator Vassil Iliev and gallerist Vesselina Sarieva talk about Lubri's solo show "Ladies Only"
at Sariev Contemporary
Bulgarian National Television
morning block 'The Day Starts with Culture'
watch the video
[in Bulgarian]
Tender is the Night
An article about "Ladies Only", Lubri's third solo show at Sariev Contemporary
and the catalogue of the same name that was published in the context of the show
Author: Svetoslav Todorov
web and print issue
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Lubri's charming ladies are a middle finger for the puritans
A text about the exhibition "Ladies Only" by Lubri which can be seen at Sariev Contemporary until 27 July 2018
online lifestyle magazine
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Premiere of the book "Introduction to Bulgarian Contemporary Art (1982 - 2015)"
Author Vessela Nozharova and Vesselina Sarieva talk about the publication "Introduction to Bulgarian Contemporary Art (1982 - 2015)" hours before its premiere in Sofia on 11 June 2018
Bulgarian National Television
morning block 'The Day Starts with Culture'
watch the video
[in Bulgarian]
The Book I did not Write
A review of Vessela Nozharova's book "Introduction to Bulgarian Contemporary Art (1982 - 2015)", published by Open Arts Foundation and Janet 45 Publishing
Author: Diana Popova
portal for art, culture and society
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Contemporary Art for Begginers
Vessela Nozharova talks about the long-awaited "Introduction to Bulgarian Contemporary Art (1982 - 2015)"
web and print issue
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
solo show
8 June - 25 July 2018
SARIEV Contemporary
40, Otets Paisiy str, Plovdiv 4000
Stefan Nikolaev
A project by Michel Van Dyck in collaboration with Isabelle Anspach, conservator of Van Buuren Museum
Bente Skjottgaard, Carole Vanderlinden, Carlotta Bailly-Borg, Charlotte Vander Borght, Ritsue Mishima, Sarah Caillard, Sherrie Levine, Tatiana Wolska, Denicolai & Provoost, Benoit Plateus, Christophe Doucet, Christophe Terlinden, Damien De Lepeleire, Daniel Boccato, David Adamo, Douglas Eynon, Erwan Maheo, Gijs Milius, Filip Vervaet, François Curlet, Jan Vercruysse, Jonathan Sullam, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Koenraad Debobbeleer, Luca Vitone, Marcel Berlanger, Martin Belou, Nicolas Party, Oscar Tuazon, Peter Wächtler, Roeland Tweelinckx, Stefan Nikolaev, Stephane Barbier Bouvet, Tanguy Poujol, Takayuki Sakiyama, Vincent Chenut, Yoshiro Kimura
25 June - 30 September 2018
Museum and gardens Van Buuren
41 Avenue Léo Errera
1180 Brussels
Pravdoliub Ivanov
Møenlight Sonata - quasi una fantasia
group exhibition
Curated by Rene Block
Nevin Aladağ, Darren Almond, Rosa Barba, KP Brehmer, Olga Chernysheva, Dorothee Diebold, Maria Eichhorn, Ayşe Erkmen, Ceal Floyer, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Till Junkel, Jarosław Kozłowski, Imi Knoebel, Daniel Knorr, David Krippendorff, Alicja Kwade, Simon Lewis, Bjørn Nørgaard, Navid Nuur, Sine Lewis, Alexandra Paperno, Nam June Paik, Dan Perjovschi, Sigmar Polke, Sophia Pompéry, Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Superflex, Mariana Vassileva, Els Vos, Lawrence Weiner, Maaria Wirkkala
3 June - 9 September 2018
Kunstahll 44 Møen
Fanefjordgade 44
4792 Askeby, Denmark
Luchezar Boyadjiev, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Stefan Nikolaev and Nedko Solakov
Art Bureau
projection of 7 short films about contemporary art works
by Bulgarian artists
Idea and realization by Bureau Artrecord and Daniela Radeva
Sasho Stoicov, Nedko Solakov, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Nadezhda Oleg Lyahova, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Stefan Nikolaev and Krassimir Terziev
28 June - 28 July 2018
9 Kuzman Shapkarev str.
1000 Sofia
Luchezar Boyadjiev and Pravdoliub Ivanov
Join the Dots - Connect the Distances
Imago Mundi - Luciano Benetton Collection
30 May - 2 September 2018
Salone degli Incanti
Riva Nazario Sauro, 1
34123 Trieste TS, Italy
Pravdoliub Ivanov and Kamen Stoyanov
Professor Andrey Daniel and students
group exhibition
Professor Andrey Daniel and his students: Adrian Voyvodov, Aglika Radkovska, Alexander Petkoff, Angelika Radeva, Antoaneta Gulabova, Desislava Unger, Dessa Costadinova, Deyan Yanev, Donika Kirova, Ekaterina Radenkova, Elena Kaludova, Iva Vacheva, Ivana Petrova, Kamen Stoyanov, Katrin An Djelinghouse, Konstantin Kostov, Kostas Angelakis, Lenche Andonova, Maria Bichakdjiyan, Maya Stoykova, Miglena Yoncheva, Miro Mironov, Nikolay Zanev, Nora Ampova Cheshirkova, Orlin Nedelchev, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Sofia Hadjipapa, Stela Kaloyancheva, Svilena Koleva, Tina Hamze, Yana Stoycheva, Zoran Georgiev
21 June - 9 July 2018
Academia Gallery
1 Shipka str.
1000 Sofia
Kamen Stoyanov
City Fabrics
group exhibition
Curated by Walter Seidl
Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, Oliver Ressler, Francis Ruyter, Kamen Stoyanov
20 June - 27 July 2018
ARCC.art Open Space
Kaiserstrasse 76
1070 Vienna
Nedko Solakov and Valio Tchenkov
Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art
Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More
Curated by Katerina Gregos
2 June – 28 October 2018
Riga, Latvia