Newsletter September 2018
Sariev Contemporary's newsletter for September is out now.
View it in your browser here, including images and more info.
Pravdoliub Ivanov
24th Week of Contemporary Art
group show
Curated by Katia Anguelova & Alessandra Poggianti
Presented by Art Today Association
Spatial Narratives by: Babi Badalov, Zbynek Baladran, Alberto Garutti, Mohssin Harraki, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Daniela Kostova, Jiri Kovanda, Juan Pablo Macias, Margherita Moscardini, Maurizio Nannucci, Delphine Reist, Sebastien Roux, Hans Schabus, Olivier Vadrot
14 September - 14 October 2018
Opening: 14 September, 6 pm
Centre of Contemporary Art, The Ancient Bath
179, 6 Septemvri blvd., Plovdiv 4000
Stefan Nikolaev
Rien ne va plus
solo show
8 September - 10 October 2018
Opening: 6 September, 6 pm
Galerie Michel Rein
42 rue de Turenne
75003 Paris
Kamen Stoyanov
project, hd video, 5:40 minutes, 9 photographies
Curated by Boris Kostadinov
presented by FLUCA - Austrian Cultural Pavilion - project of Open Arts Foundation and Austrian Embassy in Bulgaria,
during viennacontemporary
25 September - 25 October 2018
Opening: 25 September, 7 pm
more info here
Aspern 1220
1220 Vienna
Kamen Stoyanov
presenting his film New Istanbul Dream, 2017
13 - 16 September 2018
Suburbinale Filmfestival
Marchfelder Str. 2
2301 Gross-Enzersdorf
watch the video archive of
Portfolio Day 2018
workshop for young artists
Participating young artists after selection: Marchela Apostolova, Stoyan Ilev, Yavor Kostadinov, Radoslav Ninov, Martin Penev, Ivana Petrova, Anton Tsanev
Experts: Luchezar Boyadjiev (artist), Vera Mlechevska (curator and art critic), Vessela Nozharova (curator), Svetoslav Todorov (journalist), Vesselina and Katrin Sariev (gallerists)
Portfolio Day is part of the platform
BACKGROUND: Young Artists 2018 by Sariev Contemporary
Background: Young Artists 2018 is realised with the support of Gaudenz B. Ruf
watch the video
[in Bulgarian]
Rada Boukova
What energy do we put into transforming things, with undisguised pleasure
solo show
the exhibition will be held at SARIEV Contemporary and St. Joseph Church, Plovdiv
6 September - 27 October 2018
Opening: 6 September 2018
6 pm - opening at gallery SARIEV Contemporary in the presence of the artist
6:50 pm - walking tour to St. Joseph Church (9 min.)
7 pm - opening of the second part of the show in St. Joseph Church, Plovdiv
8 pm - the guests are invited to the party “10 years artnewscafe” at FLUCA (in front of gallery SARIEV Contemporary)
SARIEV Contemporary
40, Otets Paisiy str, Plovdiv 4000
Saint Joseph Church
Dr. GM Dimitrov Str., Plovdiv 4000
visits at the church by appointment with gallery SARIEV Contemporary
Luchezar Boyadjiev
Art and Theory of Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe: A Critical Anthology
Editors: Ana Janevski, Roxana Marcoci, Ksenia Nouril
Published by Duke University Press
August 2018
408 pages
Part of the series MoMA Primary Documents
Boyadjiev, Luchezar, “It’s too Early to Say”, p.p. 361-364
more about the book here
SUR(REAL)RENDER: Unreal as Voin de Voin himself
An article and talk with Voin de Voin about his his performance and exhibition SUR(REAL)RENDER at Sariev Contemporary (26 July - 27 August 2018)
Lifestyle and culture issue
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Vesselina Sarieva: One piece of curiosity and sympathy can change the world
An interview with Vesselina Sarieva about Plovdiv, culture and contemporary art
Author: Maria Kassimova
Online publicity and lifestyle issue
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Postsowjetisches Schaufenster
Valio Thenkov's installation Private Zoo on Stage, 2018 is among the subjects of an article about the 1st Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art
Author: Annegret Erhard
Die Welt
Daily newspaper
read the article
[in German]
With the eyes of a girl
An article about the exhibition "New Works" by Sirma Sarafova-Orahovac at gallery Credo Bonum, Sofia, organised by gallery Credo Bonum and Sariev Contemporary
Author: Adriana Popova
Online and print issue
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
FLUCA season 2018 - Plovdiv
refugium 01
Video installation by Reinhold Zisser
7 September - 7 October, 2018
Opening: 7 September, 6 pm
more info here
FLUCA is a collaborative project of Open Arts Foundation and Austrian Embassy in Bulgaria
FLUCA - Austrian Cultural Pavilion
(in front of gallery SARIEV Contemporary)
40, Otets Paisiy str, Plovdiv 4000
10 years artnewscafe
DJ party and photo exhibition for the 10th anniversary of artnewscafe
6 September 2018
4 pm - 2 am
more info here
(next to gallery SARIEV Contemporary)
38, Otets paisiy str., Plovdiv 4000
Luchezar Boyadjiev, Kamen Stoyanov and Voin de Voin
Operaismo Naturale: Ecology of the Event
Chapter 1 of Digital Ecologies
group exhibition
Curated by Dimitrina Sevova, co-curated by Katharina Swoboda and Emil Mirazchiev
With works and interventions by Donatella Bernardi, Ursula Biemann, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Voin de Voin, Jonas Etter, David Jacques, Monica Ursina Jäger, knowbotiq, Dominique Koch, Marlene Maier, Boyan Manchev, Angela Melitopoulos, Uriel Orlow, Ursula Palla, Elena Peytchinskova, Elodie Pong, Isabel Reiß, Oliver Ressler, Dorothea Rust, Kerstin Schroedinger, Bohdan Stehlik, Sandro Steudler, Axelle Stiefel, Kamen Stoyanov, Milva Stutz, Una Szeemann, Lena Maria Thüring, and Alexander Tuchaček
27 July - 5 September 2018
former tobacco warehouse SKLAD
16 Ekzarh Yosif str.
4000 Plovdiv
The Ancient Bath - Center of Contemporary Art
179 6th September str.
4000 Plovdiv
Pravdoliub Ivanov
14 x 14 – Survey of the Danube Region.
Individual Views. Photographic Positions.
touring exhibition of documenta
Curated by Regina Hellwig-Schmid
Pavel Brăila, Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová, Alexandra Croitoru, István Csákány, Biljana Djurdjević, Igor Grubić, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Magdalena Jetelová, Mladen Miljanović, Julian Palacz, Lazar Pejović, Tadej Pogačar, Jürgen Böhm, Ivan Bazak, Irina Ozarinskaya, Nikolay Karabinovych
1 - 30 September 2018
Museum of Odessa Modern Art
5 Belinskogo str.
65014 Odessa, Ukraine
Pravdoliub Ivanov
Arte e Umanità: Immagine Migrante
group exhibition
Curated by Nadia Bensbih, Riccardo Lisi and Marco Stoffel
Tania Bruguera, Nicolas Cilins, Al Fadhil, Nina Haab, Hanna Hildebrand, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Michele Lapini, Ute Lennartz-Lembeck, Andrea Marioni, Waseem Al Marzouki, Marko Miladinovic, Gianni Miraglia, RadioNoBorder, Waref Abu Quba, Raubenproject, Andrea Segre, Nando Snozzi, Miki Tallone, Niels Tofahrn
16 August - 15 September 2018
Spazio Elle
Piazza G. Pedrazzini 12
Locarno, Switzerland
Pravdoliub Ivanov
Møenlight Sonata - quasi una fantasia
group exhibition
Curated by Rene Block
Nevin Aladağ, Darren Almond, Rosa Barba, KP Brehmer, Olga Chernysheva, Dorothee Diebold, Maria Eichhorn, Ayşe Erkmen, Ceal Floyer, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Till Junkel, Jarosław Kozłowski, Imi Knoebel, Daniel Knorr, David Krippendorff, Alicja Kwade, Simon Lewis, Bjørn Nørgaard, Navid Nuur, Sine Lewis, Alexandra Paperno, Nam June Paik, Dan Perjovschi, Sigmar Polke, Sophia Pompéry, Ursula Reuter Christiansen, Superflex, Mariana Vassileva, Els Vos, Lawrence Weiner, Maaria Wirkkala
3 June - 9 September 2018
Kunstahll 44 Møen
Fanefjordgade 44
4792 Askeby, Denmark
Stefan Nikolaev
A project by Michel Van Dyck in collaboration with Isabelle Anspach, conservator of Van Buuren Museum
Bente Skjottgaard, Carole Vanderlinden, Carlotta Bailly-Borg, Charlotte Vander Borght, Ritsue Mishima, Sarah Caillard, Sherrie Levine, Tatiana Wolska, Denicolai & Provoost, Benoit Plateus, Christophe Doucet, Christophe Terlinden, Damien De Lepeleire, Daniel Boccato, David Adamo, Douglas Eynon, Erwan Maheo, Gijs Milius, Filip Vervaet, François Curlet, Jan Vercruysse, Jonathan Sullam, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Koenraad Debobbeleer, Luca Vitone, Marcel Berlanger, Martin Belou, Nicolas Party, Oscar Tuazon, Peter Wächtler, Roeland Tweelinckx, Stefan Nikolaev, Stephane Barbier Bouvet, Tanguy Poujol, Takayuki Sakiyama, Vincent Chenut, Yoshiro Kimura
25 June - 30 September 2018
Museum and gardens Van Buuren
41 Avenue Léo Errera
1180 Brussels
Nedko Solakov and Valio Tchenkov
Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art
Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More
Curated by Katerina Gregos
2 June – 28 October 2018
Riga, Latvia