2021 Highlights
2021 was a beyond eventful year, which brought two huge changes. In August Katrin Sarieva took the decision to indulge in a well-deserved rest, retiring from the gallery’s activities, after 17 years of motivated and inspirational work.
In September, SARIEV Gallery stopped existing and SARIEVA came to be, which marked the beginning of a gallery situation, program and art installation by Vesselina Sarieva. The conceptual gallery space has its own program of exhibitions, events and a fixed list of represented artists, and it also supports the educational and experimental platform "Sarieva Lab". With its non-commercial nature, this program is shared and some of the activities are organized through Vesselina Sarieva's Open Arts Foundation.
In 2021, Sarieva laid the foundations for a dynamic and reflective new institution that has yet to grow in the realm of contemporary gallery models.
The first major project, realized by SARIEVA, was FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE - a multi-genre situation in the sphere of visual arts, consisting of 6 thematic phases, curated by Vesselina Sarieva. It also introduced new contemporary art space Sarieva @ Dot in Sofia, marking a new stage of the gallery’s development.
2021 started off with a group exhibition at Sariev, uniting the artists Rada Boukova, Mariana Vassileva, Ventsislav Zankov, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Vikenti Komitski, Stefan Nikolaev, Kalin Serapionov, Dimitar Solakov, Kamen Stoyanov, Samuil Stoyanov, Krassimir Terziev under the title Glass, Gas and Electiricty. The group exhibition “Let them draw III”, curated by Pravdoliub Ivanov and Vesselina Sarieva, followed shortly, exhibiting works by the artists Alec Finlay, Galina Dimitrova, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Mariana Vassileva, Sevda Semer and Vlad Nancă. The gallery presented „pro homine“, the first solo exhibition of Mariana Vassileva, a Bulgarian artist working in Berlin. The last exhibition of “Sariev” was Circle pit by Martina Vacheva.
In 2021 SARIEV Contemporary partnered and supported the realization of several exhibitions in Bulgaria. The Future Will Come - solo show of Mitch Brezounek took place at KO-OP art space in partnership with Sariev Gallery. Sariev presented the artistic project “After All” by Martina Vacheva at Liste Art Fair Basel, Showtime Online 2021.
In 2021 Sariev Gallery announced the publication of the first edition of the cards “Art Tarot” by Mitch Brezounek which the gallery realized together with the artist.
The first project realized by SARIEVA was FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE - a multi-genre situation in the sphere of visual arts, consisting of 6 thematic phases, curated by Vesselina Sarieva. Through the medium of curatorial analysis and selection, it deals with topics such as contemporary Bulgarian art, collecting, mapping of topical art spaces in Bulgaria, contemporary institutional practices, hypotheses on the past and the future. Phase I begun with the opening of In defense of the solid material, exhibiting works by Dr Gatev, Ivan Moudov, Kamen Stoyanov, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Maria Nalbantova, Nedko Solakov, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Rada Boukova, Radostin Sedevchev, RASSIM®, Stefan Nikolaev, Vladimir Ivanov. Phase III included UNDER DECONSTRUCTION with the participation of the artists Ivan Moudov, Kamen Stoyanov, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Michail Michailov, Nedko Solakov, Nina Kovacheva, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Samuil Stoyanov, Stefan Nikolaev, Stela Vasileva, Zoran Georgiev. The event was the first ever to take place at the new contemporary art space Sarieva @ Dot in Sofia. Phase VI brought attention to Rudi Ninov’s solo exhibition Colour Words in Prologue.
The Brittle Power exhibition at Kunsthal 44Møen displayed selected works by Rada Boukova, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Vikenti Komitski, Rudi Ninov, Nedko Solakov, Mariana Vassileva, Sibin Vassilev. The project created a link between contemporary Bulgarian art and the European public. Martina Vacheva and Nedko Solakov participated in the large-scale exhibition "Diversity United. Contemporary European Art”. Nedko Solakov, Luchezar Boyajiev, Pravdoliub Ivanov and Martina Vacheva were also futured in the exhibition "The time has come to talk of many things", as part of the collection of Deutsche Telekom, which takes place at The National Gallery - The Palace.
FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE featured many satellite exhibition gestures. Phase I begun with the presentation of a work part of the cycle “Corrections, 1996-98”, 2015 by RASSIM® at One Gallery and “Saxophone player in the Bathroom”, 1973 by Sasho Stoitzov at Arosita Gallery. During Phase III a work by Daniela Kostova was presented at Structura Gallery.
FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE is a curated multi-genre situation in the sphere of visual arts. It unfolded in a programmed temporal span between September and December 2021.This situation created an environment in six thematic time phases which carried out the realization of main exhibitions, satellite exhibition gestures, documental video series, screening programs, meetings with artists, spatial situations and interventions, open conversations, exhibition and collection tours, publications on thematic tests, accompanied by a recommended bibliography and links. Through the medium of curatorial analysis and selection, it deals with topics such as contemporary Bulgarian art, art collecting, hypotheses on the past and future of art. The thematic focus of this multi-genre situation is polyphonic and will keep on expanding in the years to come.
You can read more about the project on it's official page or on Open Art Foundation's web site.
In 2021, the project is being implemented with the financial assistance of the Support Programme for Professional Art Organizations of National Culture Fund.
The title FUTURE UNFORGETTABLE is inspired by the drawing from Krassimir Terziev’s art project "Future Unforgettable", 2018, marker on paper, 28 x 35.5 cm., personal collection.
Studio hopping with…
In the fourth edition of Studio hopping with ... we visitеd the studios of Mitch Brezounek and the represented by SARIEVA artist Rudi Ninov. They both shared their thoughts on the post-pandemic world, especially in the concept of art as a way of coping with the situation.
Read Mitch Brezounek’s interview here
Read Rudi Ninov’s interview here
Dzhadzha is a collaboration between Open Arts Foundation, gallery Gallery and Sariev Gallery, in which we explored how contemporary electronic and digital art is created, sold, collected and preserved.
Through discussions, publications and an exhibition, we explored these topics with artists, curators, collectors and the general audience. After the very successful show in Sofia, BGx.BG медийна храна by the net art pioneer Dirk Paesmans was presented in Plovdiv. Collecting digital art, net art and NFTs was the name of the conversation between Veselina Sarieva and Rene Beekman which was a part of the DZHADZHA programme.
Future Unforgettable video archive
The project was documented in a series of interviews and a documentary. The idea and concept belong to Vesselina Sarieva, while the videos were shot by Vladislav Sevov.
Manifesto of Happiness, 2021
Manifesto of Happiness by ULTRAFUTURO was published in December 2021 by Open Arts Foundation as a part of the last Phase VI of the multigenre visual art situation Future Unforgettable, curated by Vesselina Sarieva. It featured 6 illustrations, which were distributed free of charge in SARIEVA, Plovdiv and several locations in Sofa.
Drawing and contemporary art
interview with Katrin Sarieva
listen to the interview
[in Bulgarian]
The pandemic has strengthened the influence of auction houses at the expense of galleries
interview with Vesselina Sarieva
Bloomberg TV Bulgaria
watch the interview
[in Bulgarian]
Let Them Draw III at SARIEV Gallery
Art Viewer
Veselina Sarieva: Contemporary art seeks beauty, it does not replace it
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Veselina Sarieva: Collecting masterpieces begins here and now
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Look, like, think, carry on
conversation with Veselina Sarieva
EVA magazine
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
How is contemporary art collected?
interview with Vesselina Sariava
Darik radio
listen to the interview
[in Bulgarian]
Works by Martina Vacheva and Nedko Solakov are part of an international exhibition in Berlin
Bulgarian National Radio
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
Vesselina Sarieva, who sets the rhythm of contemporary Bulgarian art in Plovdiv and around the world
Svobodna Evropa
read the article
[in Bulgarian]
How it works… collecting contemporary art
Conversation with Vesselina Sarieva
watch the interview
[in Bulgarian]
Bulgarian exhibition of contemporary art in Denmark
Interview with Vesselina Sarieva
Bulgarian National Televison
watch the interview
[in Bulgarian]
Martina Vacheva at SARIEV Gallery
Art Viewer
Vesselina Sarieva: For me, survival is survival in a cultural aspect
listen to the interview
[in Bulgarian]
Exhibition from the series "Future Unforgettable" at Sarieva Gallery
Bulgarian National Television
watch the interview
[in Bulgarian]
"Future Unforgettable" - a new curatorial project at Sarieva Gallery
listen to the interview
[in Bulgarian]
"New works of the artist Rudi Ninov can be seen at SARIEVA in Plovdiv"
BNT Horizont
listen to the interview
[in Bulgarian]
"Having a double existence is a luxury that I don't think I can deprive myself of any longer" by Stefan Nikolaev
Interview with Stefan Nikolaev
read the artice
[in French]
A conceptual exhibition will be presented in a newly built establishment next to the Women's market
read the article
[In Bulgarian]
Here and there
read the article
[In Bulgarian]
Rudi Ninov at Sarieva
Art Viewer
read the article
[in english]
Rada Boukova was featured on the Brittle Power group show, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark / CORPS NOUVEAUX, group show, CAC La Traverse - Centre d'art contemporain, France / IN DEFENCE OF SOLID MATERIAL, group exhibition, Sarieva, Plovdiv / Luchezar Boyadjiev joined the Brittle Power group show, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark / 90s: Scars, group show, MMSU – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia / Spirit Labor: Duration, Difficulty, and Affect, group show, Russia / SEE ME MOVING PLACELESS, Exhibition with the art works from the Art Collection Telekom, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Macedonia / IN DEFENCE OF SOLID MATERIAL, group exhibition, Sarieva, Plovdiv / / THE TIME HAS COME TO TALK OF MANY THINGS… ART COLLECTION TELEKOM, group exhibition, National Gallery - The Palace, Sofia, Bulgaria/ Pravdoliub Ivanov was futured on Transcriptions in Spaces group show at the Union of Bulgarian Artists / Coming to Voice group show, K21, Düsseldorf / MIXED ZONE. DIALOGUES BETWEEN ART AND DESIGN group show, NEUES MUSEUM, Germany / Transcriptions in Spaces, group show, Union of Bulgarian aritsts / Brittle Power group show, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark / HUMORESQUE, group show, Austria / SEE ME MOVING PLACELESS, Exhibition with the art works from the Art Collection Telekom, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Macedonia / IN DEFENCE OF SOLID MATERIAL, group exhibition, Sarieva, Plovdiv / Porosity Playground, group show. Kunstverein Bamberg, Germany/ / THE TIME HAS COME TO TALK OF MANY THINGS… ART COLLECTION TELEKOM, group exhibition, National Gallery - The Palace, Sofia, Bulgaria / Stefan Nikolaev presented Small Sculptures, solo exhibition, Michel Rein Brussels, Belgium/ Minouk, Le poisson peintre, 1994/2003 video installation, Galerie Vellutini, France/ Rudi Ninov joined Pretty sure it’s just the wind group show at Goethe Institut / Brittle Power group show, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark / Brittle Power group show, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark / Una Boccata d’Arte 2021 group show, Italy / IN DEFENCE OF SOLID MATERIAL, group exhibition, Sarieva, Plovdiv / Colour Words in Prologue, solo exhibition, Plovdiv/ Nedko Solakov was featured in the group show Alien vs. Citizen at Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago/ After the Wall group show at MoMA / RESET, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Switzerland / Diversity United. Contemporary European Art group show in Germany / Brittle Power group show, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Denmark / Trees for memories group show, Villa Empain, Belgium / An Incomplete & Unreliable Guide to Social Media War Room, group show, GEORG KARGL FINE ARTS, Vienna / SEE ME MOVING PLACELESS, Exhibition with the art works from the Art Collection Telekom, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Macedonia / A Cornered Solo Show #1, solo exhibition, Mudam Luxembourg, Luxembourg / IN DEFENCE OF SOLID MATERIAL, group exhibition, Sarieva, Plovdiv / NOTA BENE group show, Galleria Continua Les Moulins, France / Di tutti i colori, group show, Galleria Continua, Italy / Stories from Faraway, solo exhibition, Librairie Galerie Metamorphoses, France / THE TIME HAS COME TO TALK OF MANY THINGS… ART COLLECTION TELEKOM, group exhibition, National Gallery - The Palace, Sofia, Bulgaria / Kamen Stoyanov The Age of the Solastalgia group show at Knoll Galeria Budapest, Hungary / Social lubricant & water politics, an international group show at KUNSTBOGEN, Austria / OSTRALE Biennale O21, Germany / XY_now, Q_now, group exhibition, Q Contemporary, Hungary / IN DEFENCE OF SOLID MATERIAL, group exhibition, Sarieva, Plovdiv / Valio Tchenkov presented Nocturnal seeds window show, Belleparais-raum für kunst / PL(Ü)NDERKAMMER at Augustenstrasse 95, Germany / En Passant – im Vorübergehen, group show, BELLEPARAIS-raumfürkunst, München / Jahresgaben 2021, group show Kunstverein München/ Martina Vacheva joined The Pric/ze is Right - NEXT Balkan: Bulgarian Contemporary Art in Belgrade 2021 group show / Diversity United. Contemporary European Art group show in Germany / Circle Pit, solo exhibition at Sariev / SEE ME MOVING PLACELESS, Exhibition with the art works from the Art Collection Telekom, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Macedonia / US and THEM, group show, Kapana gallery / Plovdiv Life Vest, group exhibition, Gallery Cu29, Plovdiv/ THE TIME HAS COME TO TALK OF MANY THINGS… ART COLLECTION TELEKOM, group exhibition, National Gallery - The Palace, Sofia, Bulgaria/
One of the main goals for 2020 is developing and growing the curatorial project "Future Unforgettable", through even more exhibitions and satellite gestures. It will keep exploring projects, related to the Bulgarian contemporary art, collecting and their future.
Next year, we'll see some interesting exhibitions and projects of SARIEV's represented artists. Due to the constantly changing situation in the world, we are unable to share more information with you now but you will receive up-to-date information with our newsletters each month. Nedko Solakov's works will be featured in the group show "Di tutti i colori" at Galleria Continua in Rome. “Diversity United – Contemporary European Art”, group show, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, will be exhibiting Nedko Solakov and Martina Vacheva till February. "THE TIME HAS COME TO TALK OF MANY THINGS…" ART COLLECTION TELEKOM, taking place at the National Gallery - The Palace, features Nedko Solakov, Luchezar Boyajiev, Pravdoliub Ivanov and Martina Vacheva. In June-September 2022 Kamen Stoyanov will be participating in "OSTRALE Biennale" in Budapest and Kaunas. In February-April Valio Tchenkov will be exhibiting works at BELLEPARAIS' „CREAMDREAM“. Moreover, Martina Vacheva and Rudi Ninov will be a presented by LISTE Expedition.
Furthermore, we have exciting new projects which we will announce very soon! Stay subscribed to our mailing list to receive info about upcoming fairs throughout the year.
Follow our activities on our website and in the social media Facebook and Instagram.
Images: Maria Djelebova, Rudi Ninov, Pravodliub Ivanov, Thomas G. Bagge, Michel Rein gallery