Pravdoliub Ivanov
Protest Yourself, 2022 multiple B&W photos stitched on а wall,
4-5 ballpoint pens hung on with thin rubber bands
dimensions variable -
Why?, 2024 mirror, text on wall The small installation “Why?”, 2024, seeks to place viewers in the uncertain field of inverted mirrored images and the unmirrored, double meanings of words. Left, right, up, and down are not only cognitive spatial directions but also political and social orientations. A world where nothing is simply itself, and the viewer must choose which side of the mirror is trustworthy.
Confusion, 2002 carpet, plastic wall skirts
dimensions variable -
I Had an Idea, But Not That One, 2022-2023 Marble, concrete, metal, glass 61 x 80 x 120 cm
At the Level of the Eyes, 1998 letters on the wall
dimentions variable
existing in Bulgarian and English Вземи от това изречение, колкото можеш да носиш
Take from this sentence as much as you can carry Дисциплинирана еякулация
Disciplined ejaculation Свободата ни подминава
Freedom is passing us by Природата е мазохист
Nature is a masochist Метафората е транспортна фирма
Metaphor is a haulage company Дървото на моите желания е бонзай
The tree of my desire is a bonsai Цивилизацията е навик
Civilization is a habit По-лесно е да вярваш, отколкото да работиш
It is easier to believe than to work Вие също ще умрете
You too are going to die Във Вавилон са говорили английски
They spoke English in Babylon Ако информацията е линия, тя е по-широка, отколкото дълга.
If the information is a line then it is wider than it is long Революциите започват от стомаха, познай къде свършват
Revolutions start from the stomach, guess where they end up Любовта е течност
Love is a liquid Игри, които не те изпотяват не са игри
Games that don’t make you sweat aren’t games Не чети a съзерцавай
Don’t read – contemplate И вие ли сте осъдени за същото
Have you been convicted for the same thing Изтрий след като го прочетеш
Erase after reading it Как наричате стълба без стъпала
What do you call a ladder with no steps Информацията и порока се чукат в Интернет
Information and Vice copulate on the Internet Полет над релефа на значенията
A flight over the outline of meanings Еби лидерите за да родят нови
Fuck the leaders so they breed new leaders Хаосът на желанията се подрежда от разочарованията
The chaos of desires is organised by the disappointments Мислиш ли, че 69 беше по-добра от 96
Do you think 69 was better than 96 Аз съм всеки и всеки съм аз
I’m everyone and everyone is I Трансформацията винаги отнема време и енергия
Transformation always takes time and energy Мислиш ли че си същият
Do you think you are the same Не ни забранявайте да бъдем бедни
Don’t forbid us to be poor Дебелото ми черво е черна кутия
My colon is a black box Твърде много сбъднати предчувствия
Too many premonitions come true За който се отнася не бъди толкова наивен
To whom it may concern: don’t be so naive Циничната власт на съчувствието
The cynical power of compassion Паметта е мускул
Memory is a muscle Координатите X и Y нямат брак, Z е незаконен
Coordinates X and Y are not married, Z is illegitimate -
Sensitive Monochrome, 2016-2019 bed sheets, computer fan, motion sensor
dimensions variable
unique work -
Eternal Life, 2019 plumbing parts, sausages
122 (dt.) x 5 cm
unique work -
A Clockwork Sweat, 2016-2019 mixed media installation
207 x 120 x 66 cm
unique work -
Disconnected Memories, 2017 Wood, metal screws, 28 small photographs applied to the beams ends
375 x 410 x 355 cm
Courtesy <rotor> Center for contemporary art,
Graz, Austria -
Vehicles Dream, 1998 100 color photos of sleeping New Yorkers,
mounted on platform wheels
7 x 9.5 cm (size of the photos) -
Half Truth, 1999 two-part installation: indoors and outdoors,
various materials, dimensions and languages
Installation view Musee des Beaux Arts, La
Chaux de-Fonds, Switzerland
edition of 2 versions + 1AP for each language
edition 1/2 Deutsch version at Deutsche Telecom
Collection -
Winners and Loosers, 2013 silk ribbons for military and sports orders
and medals
308 x 300 cm
Installation view:
Krinzinger Gallery, Vienna -
Up or Down, 2015 340 x 935 x 58 cm
Half Truth, Vienna version, 1999 - 2014 Laser cut metal on wall,
two parts
320 x 20 cm each part
unique work -
Hope, Hopeful, Hopefulness, 2005 manipulated traffic light, lighting only in green
Pessimism No More, 2002 / 2004 cheese, plasters, plates, school desks and chairs
Museum of Contemporary Art-Sydney, 14th Sydney Biennial -
There Are No Forbidden Thoughts, 2007 metal, electric motor, timer Watch video documentation here
Transformation Always Takes Time And Energy, 1998 hot plates, pots, tea pots, cables, water, electricity, time
dimensions variable
edition of 4 variants
edition 1/4 – Collection ERSTE Bank -
So Many Reasons…, 2004 installation
cut door and table, painted room
Installation view from Gallerie fur Zeitgenossische Kunst, Leipzig, Germany The work So Many Reasons…, 2004, was inspired from thoughts about tolerance as a mutual process. It plays with the idea that we could create common space only if we step aside and keep it for the other. In the context of an art space, the work could be read with more references as dichotomies: domestic and public, day life banality and art, accumulating home objects and sculpturing as a process of taking out the useless parts. However, the work has to be experienced by going through the door. -
Mystic Truths, 2013 intervention, pencil
dimensions variable
edition 3+2AP -
There Are No Perfect Games, 2008-2012 installation of modified found objects
dimensions variable -
Walking in His Shoes, 2012 carpet, pair of shoes
400 x 70 cm -
Trouble is Always Double, 1997-2015 two rods of stainless steel, two metal holders, red fabric
total size: 282 x 120 x 165 cm
Unstable Monument, 2024 found objects, oil paitn on wood The sculptural object "Unstable Monument," 2024, incorporates a cut-up door, parts of an office chair, platform wheels, and a text painted in oil.
The text originates from a 19th-century letter by King Leopold I of Belgium to Queen Victoria, in which the king warns his cousin about the danger posed by artists, who are well-received by all classes, hard to control, and perpetually dissatisfied. Part of this letter’s text transitions into a fake propaganda poster presented online as a warning from the McCarthy era. Taken out of context and turned into a slogan, the text could also sound like a leftist accusation of artists' renegade nature due to their willingness to serve all classes.
The image of the office chair and the static wheels of the main platform represent my self-ironic question mark directed at all three warnings. The work seeks to comment on a world where the rapid circulation of information turns every image into a meme and every word into hypertext. A world where both images and meanings collapse under the burden of being everything. A world where it’s fascinating to live on both sides of the mirror, as both sides are validated realities. -
Box for Banners (Fahnenkasten), 1994 -1995 an object of 4 separate panels.
Hardboard, fabric, acrylic paint,
aluminium construction on the back, 124.5 х 248 х 8 см -
Spring Water, 2023 Plastic bottle, water Edition 3+2AP
Trap, 2007 mouse trap, electric
bulb, holder, cable
13 x 13 x 27 cm
edition 3+2AP -
Puzzled puzzle, 2011 multiple, puzzle
19.5 x 29 cm -
Untitled (Curly Brush), 2009 object
curled brush
34.5 x 9 x 5 cm
edition 3+2AP -
No Name, 2004 multiple, silicon, cement
13 x 17 x 30 cm
edition: 5
4 available -
Just Because-II, 2012 drawing-object, acrylic and lacquer on cardboard in shadow frame, carton pieces are not fixed, so every move or tilt of the frame reconfigure the composition
85.5 x 83 x 7 cm (size of the shadow frame as integral part of the work) -
Illusion II, 2010 installation
object of lasercut steel
77 x 95 cm -
After Durer, 2015 drawing
mixed technique
59 x 60 cm -
Childhood, 2014 20 x 10 x 60 cm without the cable
edition 2+1AP -
Memory is a Muscle, 2007 resin, silicone, polycarbonat
300 x 100 x 100 cm
52 Venice Biennial, Bulgarian Pavilion -
Endarkenment, 2007-2015 object of laser-cut aluminium plate, powder-coated in black
dimensions variable
edition 3+2AP -
Ready-made, 1996 object
Balance Ball, 2008 object of laser-cut steel, powder
coated in black
90 x 95 cm
edition 5+2AP
Mixed Media
Artworks with Light
Don't Give Up, 2006-2020 Luminescent tubes, cables
Dimensions variable This pile of useless, discarded neon tubes is a work about the hope and courage when darkness falls and no one needs us anymore. -
Almost Perfect Lovers, 2019 two RGB lamps, remote controlled
26 x 55 x 8 cm
edition 3+2AP -
You are..., 2016 neon
12 х 90 x 3 сm
edition 3+2AP -
Border by Memory, 2006 object, neon
edition 5+2AP
collection: European Investment Bank Art
Sofia City Gallery and private collections
Border By Memory is an image of my attempt to draw the line of the border between Bulgaria and Romania by memory. The drawing and respectively the neon are very approximate and not correct picture of that border. Every mistake of my hand was “loss to” or “enlarge” this or that of both countries. The title itself is a clue for understanding the work and its references to the memory and history of that border and its dramatic transformation during last century, affecting many lives from both sides. -
Little (Much Too Little /A Little Too Much), 2009 installation
neon, automatic switch
170 x 16 x 5 cm
edition 5+2AP
edition 1/5 Private collection
Feature Film, 2023 (– I would like to draw you. – I do not understand what you are talking about.) Pencil, tempera, oil on 300g Arches, TV wall stand 65 x 112 cm
Study of Bivalent Objects Series Schrödinger Box
oil on paper
160 x 110 cm -
Study of Bivalent Objects Series Table and Wood
oil on paper
110 x 164 cm -
Painting II, 2014 oil on cut 300 gr Arches paper on stretcher
85 x 110 cm
part of the project What You See is Not What You Get
Study of Bivalent Objects Series, Radioscape, 2016-2017 tempera and ink on paper
140 x 110cm -
Few Words, 2022 colour pencil
21 x 29.7 cm -
Drawings by Hand (The Image Cannot be Read), 2023 Drawings on paper various sizes and mediums
What You See, 2016 Draft project,
pencil on paper
21 х 29.7 см -
Untitled, 2012 Draft project,
watercolour, pencil
23 x 31 cm -
You Are…, 2016 Draft project
pencil on paper
21 x 29.7 cm -
A dream I had on March 24th 2020 drawing 29.5 х 21 cm From the series Quarantine, started March 2020 24.03.2020 By 3 in the afternoon I fill dizzy and went to bed. I dreamed that people could see into the future by wearing a simple medical mask put on eyes. I saw a lot of people around me doing it. I moved my mask from the mouth to my eyes and saw how some compelling, invisible force drives the right-handers had to do everything with the left hand and vice versa, the left-handers had to do everything with the right hand. The world was the same, but much more awkwardly made. I couldn’t understand why everything had the same yellow-reddish color. At first, I decided that everything was made of copper, but then I looked as if things were smeared with iodine. David woke me up by running into bedroom shouting - Dad, we’re making a movie with Mom. / Pravdoliub Ivanov
Existing Objects-VI, 2002-2003 digital drawing
29.7 x 21 cm
edition 5+2AP
Edition 1/5 – Private Collection - Sofia;
2/5 –Private collection - Vienna -
Territory, 1995 pencil, ink on paper
21 x 29.7 cm -
The Life of Others is Somehow Easier, 2005 draft
pencil, tempera
24 x 32 cm -
Existing Objects-VIII, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm
edition: 5 -
There Is Certain Comfort In Abstraction, project, 2014 pencil and aquarel on paper
30 x 40 cm -
Endless Suffering, 2012 drawing
30 x 38 cm
framed -
From the series "Disasters", 2012 drawing, tempera and aquarelle on paper
57 x 60 cm each, framed
unique works -
Water Spiral (project), 2011 preparatory drawing
pencil and watercolor on paper
36 x 48 cm -
Up or Down-II, 2012 drawing
watercolor, pencil, collage on paper
33 x 50 cm (size unframed) -
Self Portrait Around the Clock, 2011 pencil and watercolor on cut paper
76 x 56 cm -
A Hut, 2014 penicl and tempera on paper
55 x 75 cm -
A Study for a Brick, 2012 pencil and watercolor on paper
50.5 x 70.5 cm -
Sudden Ornaments in Continuum, project, 2015 print and pencil on paper
21 x 29.7 cm -
Drawing (Two TV sets), 2007 pencil on paper
21 x 29.7 cm -
Balance ball, 2008 drawing
pencil and watercolor on paper
30 x 38 cm -
Truths, 2015 drawing
black ink, pencil
21 x 29.7 сm -
The Truth About The Truth, 2012 drawing
pencil, black ink on paper
110 x 145 cm -
Existing Objects-I, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm
edition 5+2AP -
Existing Objects-II, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm
edition 5+2AP
edition 1/5 – Collection European
Patent Office - Munich -
Existing Objects-IV, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm
edition 5+2AP -
Existing Objects-V, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm
edition 5+2AP -
Existing Objects-III, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm
edition 5+2AP -
Existing Objects-VIII, 2002-2003 digital drawing
21 x 29.7 cm -
Basel, 2002 pencil and watercolor on paper
20 x 29 cm -
Memory is a Muscle, 2007 drawing
21 x 30 cm -
Illusion III, 2011 ink, tempera on paper
57 x 60 cm (size framed)
James, 2010 B&W photo mounted on aluminum
53 x 80 cm James (17) – currently working as a naked model at Fine Arts Academy, Sofia. He never attended school cause of his parents (housewife and dyer) decision. He is an autodidact. James is well-versed in all school subjects. He speaks three foreign languages. It’s a pleasure to talk with him about literature, philosophy, and cinema. His hobby, recently, is computer programming. -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
color photo
76 x 100 cm
edition 5+2AP -
Hand Print, 2000 two color photos
50 x 75 cm each
edition 3+1AP The refrigerator of Pravdoliub Ivanov seen in the photos was not intentionally emptied. There was almost nothing in it so the author decided to melt the ice in the fridge chamber with his own hand and made photo documentation in two steps. As matter of fact, the imprint of a human hand is one of the oldest artefacts, about 37,000 years BC. This reference is important for getting to the matter like domestic (personal, hidden) – exposed (shown, not personal), comfort – soreness (discomfort), art – non art, that the two simple snapshots tries to evoke. -
One Hour, 1996 photo installation,
photographed 60 minutes of one hour
B&W photo
20 x 20 cm each
edition 3+2AP -
Let them Draw, 2009 series of 12 B&W photos
3+1 AP
27 x 35 cm each -
Too Personal to Matter, 2009-2010 digitally manipulated color photo
57 x 60 cm
edition 5+2AP -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
color photo
26 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
colour photo
26 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
color photo
27 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works ongoing photo project started 2007
colour photo
76 x 100 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
colour photo
26 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
colour photo
26 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works ongoing project started 2007
colour photo
26 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works started 2007
colour photos
60 x 40 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works started 2007
colour photos
60 x 40 cm
edition: 10 -
From the series Non-Works started 2007
colour photos
27 x 35 cm
edition: 10 -
Bent Figure, 1997 photo-lithography on paper
120 x 85 cm (size framed)
edition 3+1AP
edition Nbr. 3/3
Why?, 2024 litho on cotton paper Hannemule
Еdition 7 The work is a print continuation of the installation "Why?", 2024, but in this case, the paradox of mirroring is provided by the inverted image of print technology. The artist always paints a mirror image on the stone. -
Half Full, Half Fallen, 2024 Litho, cotton paper Hannemule
edition 7 Positivism and consumerism make us think that the optimist/pessimist's dilemma of having or not having is the most important existential question, but maybe now the most important question is not whether you have, but whether you are. Both in Bulgarian and in English the title sounds like a play on words.
Behold, 2011 laser cut mirror letters,
Atom Bomb Shelter, Konjic, Bosnia & Herzegovina The text is placed on the staircase toward Tito’s apartment at the second floor of the bunker.
The used typeface is the same as on Yugoslav's army hand written military maps. Such maps are still on display in the atomic bomb shelter. -
The Life of Others is Somehow Easier, 2005 5 dog houses hanged on the trees in a public park,
Regensburg, Germany
Installation view and detail -
Enlightenment, 2008 wall intervention
acrylic paint
dimensions variable -
Never Enough, 2011-2013 paper stencil, spray paint
75 x 260 x 4 cm -
This is not Art…, 2011 project, site-specific, plasticine, blackwall
dimensions variable
edition 3+2AP